Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Search is On...

"Sounds like a dream job!" Ever hear yourself say that to other people as they describe their work? Why is it that the grass is always green on their side of the fence? Believe it or not there are still dream jobs for the taking. Today it means that if you want that dream job you have to search.

Where do you start? By creating a list. What type of job do you want to have? What type of company would you see yourself at? What are your goals and ambitions with that job?

Remember picking a hobby for a job can turn that hobby into work. Therefore, try instead to pick a position or career that you know you are good at. If you can sell, then work in sales. If you can lead then consider business management or organizational development. Not sure what you are good at? Stop and ask those who know you best.

Now that you are ready it is time to get on the search engines and visit sites such as, Career Builder, Simply Hired, and many others. The great thing is all of these sites offer free searches. Make sure to use the advance buttons to really narrow down your finds. Once you find a few companies start keeping track of their names. Visit their websites and browse their career pages. Many times companies have a broader range of job openings than they actually post on sites such as Monster. It will take time and a notebook for tracking but you can and will find several positions that you might believe are you true fit!

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