Friday, May 29, 2009

HOT Job Fair Event

ALERT: HOT Job Fair Event : Detroit "Putting America Back to Work." Job Fair Series
Date: June 17th 2009 from 9:00 a.m. until 1:30 p.m.
  • Lawrence Tech University
  • Wayne H. Buell Management Center
  • 21000 West 10 mile Rd. (Entrance just west of Northwestern Hwy)
  • Southfield, MI 48075

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

An Interview Question - Are you ready?

"How would you describe the amount of structure, direction, and feedback that you need to excel?"

A powerful interview question and one that many companies will utilize to find out about your personality type. This question was retrieved from Paul Falcone's 96 Great Interview Questions to ask Before You Hire.

Wouldn't it be great if you could have all the answers to questions such as this one? Understanding the answers before you have the questions could create ease and confidence. That is why choosing to read books about what companies look at, or managers should consider is a great way to start the interview process. It puts you in their shoes and helps you think about yourself, your answers, and your skills/abilities from their perspective. That is powerful!

To answer the interview question above Paul Falcone shares that any new hire will need training and orientation. Typically the first 90 days is considered normal adjustment time. He also mentions that some individuals thrive on feedback while others work well independently. Paul's main purpose with this question is to help managers and executives see that 80% of applicants will usually go with the middle ground: "A combination of both." Where do you fall? Be sure you know and are ready to address these and similar questions in your interview process.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Where are your Resources?

When it comes to finding work you might have to consider where the resources are that will help you. Sometimes resources are as obvious as the paper's want ads and other times you really have to dig in and hunt them down. However, today's technology advances put you and your career resources ahead of the times. Even if you are unsure how to weed through it all there are still several great places to visit. For example your town or city's chamber of commerce. As a part of our search for great career tips we stumbled across this website for jobs in Ohio: Job Fair Ohio. In addition to their various avenues for helping people in Ohio find work they also took the time to list and provide links to several Ohio career centers and resources that help people find their way. Take a look at a few of these:
  1. Apollo Career Center
  2. Ashland County - West Holmes Career Center
  3. Ashtabula County JVS
  4. Auburn Career Center
  5. Belmont-Harrison Career Centers
  6. Buckeye Career Center
  7. Buckeye Hills Career Center
  8. Collins Career Center
  9. Columbiana County Career Center
  10. Coshocton County Career Center
  11. Cuyahoga Valley Career Center
  12. D. Russel Lee Career Technology Center
  13. Delaware JVS
  14. Eastland Career Center
  15. Ehove Career Center
  16. Four County Career Center
  17. Great Oaks Institute
  18. Greene County Career Center
  19. Jefferson County JVS
  20. Knox County Career Center
  21. Licking County JVS
  22. Lorain County JVS
  23. Mahoning County Career & Technical Center
  24. Madison Adult Education
  25. Maplewood Career Center
  26. Medina County Career Center
  27. Miami Valley Career Technology Center
  28. Mid-East Ohio Vocational School
  29. Ohio Hi-Point Career Center
  30. Penta Career Center
  31. Pickaway-Ross JVS
  32. Pickaway-Ross JVS - Circleville Annex
  33. Pike County JVS (No website)
  34. Pioneer Career and Technology
  35. Polaris Career Center
  36. Portage Lakes Career Center
  37. R.G. Drage Career Center
  38. Scioto County JVS
  39. Southern Hills Career Center
  40. Springfield-Clark County JVS
  41. Tolles Technical Center
  42. Tri-Count Vocational School
  43. Tri-Rivers Career Center
  44. Trumbull Career & Technical Center
  45. Grant Career Center
  46. Upper Valley JVS
  47. Vanguard-Sentinel Career Centers
  48. Vantage Career Center
  49. Warren County Career Center
  50. Washington County Career Center
  51. Wayne County Schools Career Center
Just click the link and you are ready to begin a whole new search. Don't live in Ohio? Not to worry there are many similar sites to be found in all 50 states. It just takes sometime but the jobs and "your" options are out there.

Friday, May 22, 2009

HOT Job Fair Event (s)

Mark your calender! Two Hot Alerts for Job Fairs that are coming soon!

Putting America Back to Work in Las Vegas is happening on June 9th. Here are the details:
June 10th 2009 - Sacramento Job Fair from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Scottish Rite Center located at 6151 H. Street.

One Company - Several Avenues

A few posts back we talked about searching for that dream job. Make a list was one of the priorities that we encouraged you to start with in your exploration.

What about starting with a company that does several different things well? Take for instances Sony. They are a company that has computers, media, music, and even TV/Movie standings. The range of employment opportunities are endless, not to mention global.

Here is a brief glimpse from Sony's Home Career Page:
At Sony, we believe that diversity is key to our competitive advantage and we value the collective strengths of all our employees. We are proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE), with an unwavering commitment to Affirmative Action (AA) for Minorities (M), Women (F), Individuals with Disabilities (D), and Veterans (V).
International Opportunities

Thursday, May 21, 2009

HOT Job Fair Event

Alert: HOT Job Fair Event happening in San Antonio Monday June 15th 2009. Location: Omni San Antonio Hotel 9821 Colonnade Blvd. Be there with Resumes in hand between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

The Search is On...

"Sounds like a dream job!" Ever hear yourself say that to other people as they describe their work? Why is it that the grass is always green on their side of the fence? Believe it or not there are still dream jobs for the taking. Today it means that if you want that dream job you have to search.

Where do you start? By creating a list. What type of job do you want to have? What type of company would you see yourself at? What are your goals and ambitions with that job?

Remember picking a hobby for a job can turn that hobby into work. Therefore, try instead to pick a position or career that you know you are good at. If you can sell, then work in sales. If you can lead then consider business management or organizational development. Not sure what you are good at? Stop and ask those who know you best.

Now that you are ready it is time to get on the search engines and visit sites such as, Career Builder, Simply Hired, and many others. The great thing is all of these sites offer free searches. Make sure to use the advance buttons to really narrow down your finds. Once you find a few companies start keeping track of their names. Visit their websites and browse their career pages. Many times companies have a broader range of job openings than they actually post on sites such as Monster. It will take time and a notebook for tracking but you can and will find several positions that you might believe are you true fit!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Are you a New Grad?

Are you a new Grad? Are you wondering where to look for employment? Did you know that many companies consider new grads for hire in a variety of ways? Take the US Environmental Protection Agency for example. They currently have openings for New Grads, they offer internships, fellowships, post doctorate positions, and more.

After the graduation parties are over and the search for work begins it can be hard to think of where to start. Especially considering the economic downturn your outlook on the current openings that await you might be bleak. That is why it is good to start by considering companies that offer internships. Usually this is a great foot in the door opportunity. Many companies provide paid positions. It just take a little searching.

In fact, some companies such as Edward Jones consider you while you are still in school. This is another great venue to work on getting your name out there and preparing your career ahead of time.

HOT Job Fair

IBM has posted their up coming job Fair list for 2009 and here are a few of the HOT dates that you don't want to miss out on. May 20th IBM is offering a Tech Expo - Top Secret at the Tysons Corner in Virgina. Then on May 21st it will hold the Corporate Gray - Security Clearance Job Fair in Arlington Virgina. Get your Suit and Tie ready, several copies of your resume on professional paper and head out to explore the openings at IBM.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Company of the Day - Wegmans Food Market

It is important to realize that there are still great companies out there. That once you find a job and move into your career pattern you can and will be successful and life can resume a steady pace. Today we stop to take a look at one of those companies. A Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For winner: Wegmans Food Market. This is a family owned food chain and they still work hard to recognize their employees. Fortune states: "Recent offerings at this family-owned supermarket chain: Employees could buy gift cards of up to $250 at a 10% discount to help with food costs; Wegmans is also rolling out free yoga classes at each of its stores."

Even more impressive is that there are both full and part time job openings. Careers such as Warehouse Product Selector, Computer Operator, Data Architect, and Part Time Customer Service positions are just a few of the several on the list of openings. Take time to visit Wegmans website and view all of the exciting changes that this company is putting into place this year (2009).